Visibility – Credibility – Profitability: How to Promote and Build Your Business with Strategic Marketing and Public Relations Thursday 1st June 2017 09:00 -11:00 Sci-Tech Daresbury Growing a business needs more than an innovative product or service. To maximise its success, it needs strategic marketing and public relations (PR) […]
A few blogs ago I wrote about the Strategyzer Value Proposition Canvas. A very useful model, as is the Business Model Generation Canvas. The only element that seems to be missing is the competitive one.
I delivered a “How to Plan Successful Marketing” workshop at the BioHub at Alderley Park on the 22nd September. Many thanks to the BioHub Acceleration Manager for organising the event. Many thanks to everyone who attended too, for making it such a lively and fun event. Congratulations to Derek Ogg of Peak Proteins for winning the […]
I was looking for a marketing funnel that resonated with me but I couldn’t find one. So I designed this one.
I was chatting with Lucy Jackman from Comma Sense the other week. Lucy is a Creative Content Writer and we were discussing some of the top tips for creating good content. Content marketing is becoming increasingly important but even if it wasn’t, it is worth putting effort into your writing. Nobody gets it right all the […]
Ian Walker of CPDWORKS recommended the book, Black Box Thinking by Matthew Syed, to me. The start of the book considers two different industries’ attitude to failure; healthcare and aviation. In both cases failure can have tragic consequences. How the two industries view failure tends to be very different though. The suggestion is that the […]
With Sports Direct and BHS in the news recently, I was reflecting on the relationship between employee engagement and business reputation with Elizabeth Judson, Head of Employment at Jolliffe & Co. LLP. How a business deals with customer complaints has an obvious impact on customer engagement and brand value. How a business deals with, or […]
I may be the only one but I do get irritated by a “Polite Notice”. It might be because I feel I’m being told off for thinking about doing something I never thought of doing. Until, that is, the “Polite Notice” reminded me of the many ways I could misbehave.
I was discussing the plan-do-review cycle with David Ashworth of Flintloque the other day. The plan-do-review cycle is a classic continuous improvement model used in many business disciplines, not just marketing. David commented that he saw the model as spring not a ring.