
Visibility – Credibility – Profitability:

How to Promote and Build Your Business with Strategic Marketing and Public Relations





Thursday 1st June 2017

09:00 -11:00

Sci-Tech Daresbury




Growing a business needs more than an innovative product or service. To maximise its success, it needs strategic marketing and public relations (PR) to achieve long-term, profitable growth.


But what does strategic marketing and PR look like?


Marketing and public relations professionals, Karen Williams, Cynara Livera and Jon Clements, will show you how to get the best from your marketing and PR including:



  • Understanding your market place, your competitors and your capabilities.
  • Identifying your gap in the market.
  • Being innovative, authentic and consistent
  • Focusing on customer engagement
  • Adding value to both the customer and the business
  • Understanding the roles of Marketing and Sales in a digital world.



  • Designing a PR strategy
  • The value of “earned” media
  • Understanding the journalist’s view of news and advertising
  • Giving the media something they want
  • News values and spin
  • Measuring the impact of PR activity on audience perceptions


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Karen Williams of Crescendo Consulting uses an evidence-driven approach to help clients understand market opportunities and create effective communications. She works with companies of all shapes and sizes – from UK start-ups to major global brands.







Cynara Livera of Clearly, Simply, Truly Marketing Management started her career in new product development as a research chemist in the chemical industry before becoming a qualified marketing professional.  Cynara strongly believes marketing is a science not a black art.





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Jon Clements of Metamorphic PR is a Chartered Public Relations Practitioner specialising in B2B communications. A former journalist, he has provided PR consultancy for 20 years to many companies operating in complex, technical industries.





We look forward to seeing you there!


Click on the link below to book.


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